April 10, 2019
Lots of us are concerned about living naturally with a “leave no trace” lifestyle, but what about dying that way too? Author Lucinda Herring answers your questions about what that looks like so you can plan your exit in a loving, meaningful, clean way.
Lucinda Herring has worked on the cutting edge of the green funeral movement for over twenty years. She is a Certified Home Funeral Consultant, Green Burial Guide, and a Licensed Funeral Director in Washington State. She helps others imagine and put in place their “ideal” after-death plans, so that at the time of death, those wishes can be realized, and family and friends left behind are empowered to say good-bye in natural and healing ways.
She is an ordained minister and celebrant, and received her Masters in Inter-faith Spiritual Direction from David Spangler’s Lorian Center for Incarnational Spirituality. For twenty years helped children, families and communities “Live a Spiritual Year,” celebrating festivals together through the seasons. She is a student of both Western and Eastern spiritual traditions.