Spiritual Director/Companion

oransdoor5I don’t really resonate with the word “Director,” though this is the professional term for the work I offer. Each person has a unique, individual karmic soul and spiritual journey to follow. My job is to create a sacred space of safety, holding and blessing for you to discover your own wisdom and way to awaken. I can be a support and companion for you along the way, which means I will be a mirror and seer of patterns, a deep listener and tracker of the movement of Spirit in the session, a reminder of who you really are. I can support you to establish a regular spiritual practice, help you clarify what you think and feel, strengthen your connection to Source and the Sacred in daily life.

I am proud to be part of a new movement in the field of Spiritual Direction, one that is not tied to any one church or any particular spiritual tradition, but instead supports a person to define who they are spiritually in these challenging and contemporary times. Three of the exciting aspects of this new Spiritual Direction work are:

A.   A deep respect for the eclectic nature of contemporary spirituality, and an understanding that we can explore as many spiritual paths as we need to, weaving our unique path from an authority and sovereignty that comes from within.

B.   An awareness and focus on the movement of spirit in the body, called somatics. Somatic experiencing helps a person find their way back to equilibrium, ease and a feeling of being held, or “Resourced.” In the stress and challenge of our present times, this can be invaluable.

C.   My training includes working with inner allies and guides as part of one’s spiritual path, and co-creating with other beings and nature, for the benefit of all. Few traditional Spiritual Directors work consciously with clients in this way, and yet so many of us are having experiences with unseen realms of life. My own exploration and learning can help facilitate this journey for anyone called to serve Earth and Spirit in such a way.

Care of the Soul/Spiritual Life of Children/Families

I am committed to the souls/spirits/imaginations of our children, and have a special allegiance to this aspect of Spiritual Direction/Mentorship. This comes directly from my years of festival making, teaching the Living a Spiritual Year classes, and supporting families to discover and celebrate the spiritual path most meaningful for their lives.
I am available for consultation and spiritual guidance in this arena for anyone wishing to strengthen a connection to Earth and Spirit in family life.