Spiritual and Practical Support for Waldorf/Anthroposophical Families and Communities at the Threshold of Death

IMG_0052Rudolf Steiner’s teachings help families and communities create three day vigils for a person at the time of death, as a way to care for that person’s soul, and to also create healing and support for those who are grieving and saying good-bye.

End of Life/Home Funeral Vigil Consultations, Support and Guidance

(See Buddhist section for the elements covered in a consultation).

There are specific Anthroposophical and Waldorf indications for such vigils that you might wish to follow in creating after death care for your loved one.  Having someone present with the body 24 hours a day is one such practice. Reading to the departing soul from the Gospel of John, and other passages from Steiner’s writings is another.   Such endeavors spring naturally from the close-knit bonds that already exist within a Waldorf School community.

But a death is always challenging,  whether it is expected or sudden.  It is helpful to have someone who can hold and guide you through this journey,  to insure that all the legal and practical details of caring for a deceased loved one are handled properly. If this support is for you, as you face your own death, this can be very helpful and healing. If someone you love is dying, having such support creates a container where everyone can rest and be more present for the spiritual and emotional mysteries and gifts that always arise in death’s threshold.

Lucinda’s Anthroposophical/Waldorf training and experience:

I began my Anthroposophical studies in the 1980’s in England.  I completed the Waldorf Kindergarten Teacher Training at Wynstones, in Gloucester, England in 1982, and started a Waldorf kindergarten outside Oxford in 1985.  After moving to the Northwest,  I began a twenty year work helping families and communities in  “Living a Spiritual Year,” celebrating the seasonal and Anthroposophical festivals as a path of creativity and delight. Such work/play  helps us reconnect to the inner and outer realms of nature and the Earth, for balance and healing. Though I no longer work directly in Anthroposophical or Waldorf circles, Steiner’s wisdom informs all that I do,  and I am honored to be able to support families and communities in this sacred way.